Life Skills 101: Basic How To's for Ages 15-25

As an adult, have you ever thought, “I wish I would have been taught how to do this in college?” Honestly, my friends and I talk about this a lot and how as adults, we had to figure out basic life skills the long and hard way. Take my friend Margo for example: she has a 15 year old son and a few weeks ago she asked him to fill up the gas tank. Confidently, he took the credit card and went to carry out what seemed like a simple and essential skill. After about 5 minutes, Margo checked on the gas status and noticed that the gas meter had not budged. Her son had forgot to select the gas, and when he set up the lever for the handle to “self-hold” he did not even realize that there was no gas coming out. Now, she is an educator and was able to identify this experience as a teachable moment however, not all of us are equipped with that instinct, nor do these life skills essentials even cross our minds.
During our New Year planning session with my teachers and tutors, I shared this story about Margo with them and one of my baby-boomer tutors (she is a teacher full-time) said, “I truly believe that we would be doing our millennials a grand favor if we taught them basic life skills.” I probed to get more out of her and she continued, “Well, think about when you bought your house...did you have any idea what to expect? Or were you just going along with the process and learning it as you signed to take on tens of thousands of dollars in debt? What if we simulated home purchasing experiences for our millennials?” Her topic exploded into a brainstorming session and the Gen X’s, Baby-Boomers and Millennials started creating a list of possible courses our company could create to offer to parents for their students ages 16-25 in a private or small group setting. We would love to serve your young adult so feel free to email me directly at or give me a phone directly at (305) 423-7575. You can also learn more about our full service educational consulting group at Rates for courses vary based upon needs, and number of students so give me a call so we can discuss.
Below are the topics that we will cover:
Budgeting & Banking
Tips on Budgeting Apps
Taxes 101
Future Planning
Retirement, 401K, Roth IRA, advanced degree payment
Credit Card Management & Credit Score
Intro To Investing
How To Pack For a Move
What do you need?
Security Deposit
Student Loans
Undergraduate & Graduate School Applications & Funding
Paying for College
Job Searching
Résumés & Cover Letters
Interviews & Dress for Success
Stress Management
Time Management
When You Have a Breakdown
Who should you talk to?
How do you react?
Social Media Behavior
Making Phone/Conference Calls
Trustworthy New on the Internet
How to Do Laundry Efficiently
Ironing Clothes
Cleaning Essentials and Habits
America is in the midst of an amazing ongoing social, technological and economic transition, so make sure your young adult is prepared for his or her basic life skills so that they can focus on success! If you have questions or recommendations, please email me at or visit our website at